

The installation of a new electro-oxidation plant by SUANFARMA Italia is set to enhance the sustainability of the company’s wastewater treatment procedures.

In partnership with e-watts, a firm dedicated to sustainable electrochemical technology solutions and the promotion of circular economies, SUANFARMA Italia is actively involved in setting up its new electrodialysis plant. The primary aim is to utilize electrodialysis reactors and reverse osmosis technology to treat wastewater produced by the MBR plant, in a manner that adheres to water discharge regulations in an environmentally-friendly manner without the use of chemical substances.

An electrooxidation reactor comprises a sequence of electrodes constructed from a metal alloy suitable for the purpose. Upon applying an electrical current, the electrodes generate a potential difference which dissociates certain water molecules into highly reactive species, facilitating oxidation of other co-existing molecules. Subsequently, the water is subjected to reverse osmosis treatment, resulting in the production of permeate, which is released into the final discharge, and retentate, which moves to the uppermost level of the purification plant.

The testing phase is slated to begin in April, with the goal of having the entire system operational by July 2023.

We are delighted to introduce this solution as a further enhancement to the sustainability of our production system’s wastewater treatment. This facility ensures the release of high-quality water, thereby reducing environmental impacts and promoting sustainable development.

This project represents a critical milestone in our journey towards sustainable practices and social responsibility.